9/21 and 9/28 will be  MSU Football - Our next show is October 5th with the Steve Miller Band - The Saturday Night Classic Album at midnight will still be played every week

Request lines are open from 7-9pm Eastern, in some cases they may close earlier if we fill up fast. Phone requests 517-334-0949 or email anytime to ARSNRequest@gmail.com We check our email all week, making sure the requested songs are in our library. If they aren’t I can usually find them and bring them in with me on Saturday. Last check on early requests is 3pm Saturdays. Get them in early and they will already be on the playlist when the show starts.

Welcome! This is the home of All Request Saturday Night, serving the Michigan radio audience since 1985. This unique show was founded by Larry Allen who passed in late 2013 after 29 years at the helm, Wally began hosting the show in late 2014. We feature an artist or genre every week, and always play whatever requests you have. Requests are never limited to our weekly feature, anything in our vast collection is available to play for you every weekend. Check out the Larry Allen page to see his song collection we use, and hear old shows Larry hosted. July 28, 2025 will mark ARSN’s 40th Anniversary.

Please note college football season is now in progress, there will be some shows starting late.  Usually 3 night games per season, we’ll let you know.

Larry Allen Founder ARSN

Where you hear the show Every Saturday

Wally Londo Host

Request lines open at 7pm

(517) 334-0949 (877) 400-9667

You can also email your request to mysong@allrequestsaturdaynight.net


8:30pm ARSN Vinyl Cut

The Long Song @ 10

Live @ 11

The Smoke ’N Pig BBQ & Bar 908 Elmwood Lansing

Sponsor of All Request Saturday Night

MI-Rural Records 217 N Bridge St Grand Ledge

Sponsor of the ARSN Vinyl Cut